Dande and the Lion on Surfing, Patti Smith and Bilbo Baggins

Dande and the Lion on Surfing, Patti Smith and Bilbo Baggins


We recently spoke to Sydney Indie-Pop sensations Dande and the Lion to get to know members Abbey, Bianca, Chris, Tass, and Nick inside out; from their most memorable live performances to their second-favourite past times to music, this quirky and brilliant-minded group have won a special place in our hearts.

Who Are Your Top 5 influences?
Abbey - Tigertown
I always find myself being influenced by the sounds of Tigertown, whether it’s from their synth tones or punchy hooks. They know how to write a great pop song and I seem to always refer back to them when writing or talking about music.

Bianca - PJ Harvey
Because she embodies a unique kind of allure that is dark and mysterious yet relatable and real which I find really inspiring and influential when I'm writing lyrics and music.

Chris - Tame Impala
There's nothing I love more than the blues rock and psychedelic rock of the late 60s and 70s. Okay, I love heavy metal just as much. Anyway, Kevin Parker is heavily influenced by the psychedelic sounds of that period and it's the way he chooses to create and record his music that really amazes me.

Tass - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
I've been a massive fan of YYYs since a young age and have only noticed recently how heavily my writing style has been influenced by them. I'm a little bit obsessed with Karen O, her vocal choices, her stage presence and lyrics just totally captivates me. How they've evolved from their first 'punkier' album to their latest more 'pop-rock', yet still staying true to their signature sound. I've also looked to Nick Zinner's set up when I first started out and picked out some of my favorite pedals to add to my sound, particularly the RAT pedal. Then there's the fact that they can make so much sound with just the three of them, it's insane... I could talk for days about them!

Nick – Faith No More
Faith No More is definitely one of my favourite bands. They were unapologetic, loud, and have some crazy rock and roll antics in their history (both on and off the stage).They have a lot of variety in their catalogue which, at the time, didn’t box them in to a particular style; I like that idea. It could go from pandemonium chaos, to a soft sombre ballad. It didn’t have to be heavy to be menacing and bitter. Nor slow to be sickly sweet. I think that is what I was mostly attracted to; they had this unintentional dark edge to their sound which really drew me in.

What are Your Top 5 Memorable Moments Playing Live?
Our first gig was at a backyard party which had one person angrily threatening to stick the Bulgarian Mafia onto us if we didn’t turn it down. Turns out he wasn’t anyone that any of the neighbours in the street knew and later he returned asking if we could play some ACDC covers.

2. We were headlining a sold out in Wollongong and as we’re setting up on stage we seem to be missing our bass player, Nick. We look out and see some commotion happening in the crowd and there’s our Nick helping paramedics carry out someone on a stretcher. Turns out a punter had passed out in the loft area, had vomited everywhere and Nick had helped the staff clean the vomit, calm the hysterical friend and then assisted the paramedics with putting the girl on a stretcher and carrying her out to the ambulance. Thankfully by then the girl had regained consciousness and just wanted to go home. Nick returned to stage and the show continued after.

3. We were to play a gig in Sydney that collided with Nick being interstate at the time. He had gone to watch Bad//Dreems open up for Spiderbait and The [Midnight] Oils in Adelaide but assured us he would attend the Sydney gig which was the following day. His first flight got delayed, but had given enough time to get the flight after. When the second flight got delayed too, he started to get a bit panicky. He arrived in Sydney and sprinted from the furthest gate of the airport to the taxi rink, weaving through the crowd and dodging baggage-filled trolleys. He arrived just in time to see the band still on stage… packing up. He had missed the entire gig. Probably the best we’ve ever seen Nick play actually hahahaha.

4. We have five people in our band. One of earliest shows had us playing on a stage made for two to three people.  A full drumkit could not be set up on stage so our drummer at the time had to learn very quickly the drum machine provided. Abbey’s keyboard was constantly at risk of being pushed off stage. Nick’s leg actually fell in-between the stage and the railing at one point but still played on.  Bianca was unwell that day and had a bucket next to her. There was four of us sharing two mics, legs were intertwined just to have stable footing, and we all got very cosy together very quickly hahaha.
I think are gigs are just getting better and better. Not only with ourselves, but the crowd participation has definitely increased. We usually can get people dancing  

5. I think we are getting better and better. We have a lot more of the crowd participating, dancing, clapping and we feed off that energy. To hear the crowd singing the lyrics to our previous release “Stardust” has been so heart-tingling beautiful, or to see all the beautiful smiles facing us is such a tremendous thrill. We love playing live!


Which 5 members would you have to form a fantasy dream band (dead or alive)?
PJ Harvey, Tori Amos,  Elizabeth Frazer, Suzi Quatro on bass and Meg White on drums because I reckon it'd sound super ritualistic and spiritual and I'd enjoy watching their cult following react to their sounds.

Chris: Mick Jagger (Rolling Stones), Kurt Cobain (Nirvana), Jimmy Page (Led Zepp), Flea (RHCP), Jay Postones (TesseracT) – They are all musicians and great performers, that draw you in on their vibe they are getting from the music they are playing. With them you know they’re really feeling it.

Tass: Florence Welch (Florence and The Machine), Karen O (Yeah Yeah Yeahs), Nick Zinner (Yeah Yeah Yeahs), John Bonham (Led Zeppelin), Heather Shannon (The Jezabels), John McVie (Fleetwood Mac) – Massive fan of The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, I don’t shut up about them haha! Florence I’ve always like but when I saw her live it was another level! I’ve met Heather a few times and think she is fantastic; so down to earth and an amazing, talented musician. And Bonham and McVie I’ve grown up on.

Nick: My fantasy dream band, hmmm… let’s call them The DEAD SET LEGENDS. The band would comprise of Terry Kath (guitarist and singer from Chicago). “25 or 6 to 4” is probably my favourite of theirs and that solo is just perfect! Even Hendrix thought Kath was a better guitarist. Jon Lord (organist/pianist from Deep Purple) is another legend. His arrangements and fusion of classical with rock, not to mention his combination of putting the organ through a guitar amp which brings out that overdrive fuzz, really makes him a stand out. Ginger Baker (drummer from Cream) okay, so he’s not dead, but he is of legendary status. Just check out Cream’s live version of “Toad”. Jim Morrison (singer from The Doors). Poet. Alluring in voice and stage presence. Cliff Burton (bassist from Metallica) is amazing. I was 11 when I was first introduced to Metallica and therefore have a soft-spot for Jason Newsted, but Cliff kills ‘em all. His arrangements, bass solos, and wild onstage headbanging made for a healthy tour de force!

What is the Best Biography You've Read (and Would Recommend)?
Chris - When Giants Walked the Earth (Led Zepp) by Mick Wall
This biography tells the life stories of the band's members. I love it because for starters, Led Zepp is one of my favourite bands (if not my favourite). Secondly, it gives the reader a wonderful insight into the way the band operated, the struggles they had and how their minds worked; ultimately creating some of THE best songs that history has ever seen.

Tass - Just Kids by Patti Smith
My mum introduced me to Patti Smith when I was about 14, her favorite song was Because the Night. I admired my mum's musical choices so I listened to it and just fell in love with Patti's voice. For Christmas some years later, mum bought me Just Kids. I've ready many artist biographies, but none of them were as a beautifully written and as captivating as this one. I read it over a weekend as I couldn't put it down and even though I knew what was going to happen I still cried (it's the only book I've ever cried reading haha). I also love how she neatly threads the culture and socio-economic milieu of 60s and 70s with her own story, for example being in the same place as legends of that time, like Jimi Hendrix, Joni Mitchel, Bob Dylan and Andy Warhol getting shot, she really takes you back into that era and makes you feel like you were there, reminiscing on old times with her. However, what I was most intrigued by was that although she always wrote poetry, she never really started singing, writing songs and performing until her mid to late 20s, I can relate to this so much and find solace in her story.

Nick – There and Back Again” by Bilbo Baggins
I’m being a bit cheeky with this one, but “There and Back Again” by Bilbo Baggins is one of my favourites. I found this book tucked away in my parents library when I was very young. It had a simple drawing of a dragon on it which intrigued me. The adventures this Hobbit had is quite inspiring; from the variety of characters he meets to the perils he would face, and with so many odds stacked against him manages to survive and live to tell the tale. Nothing short of impressive! Precious, even...


What is Your Second-Favourite Interest After Music?
Abbey - Film
I’ve loved acting and filmmaking since I was really young! You can’t watch a movie with me without myself wanting to analyse, deconstruct, and ponder on it afterwards. I like the being transported to another reality and just being absorbed into the story.

Bianca - Hiking
Because it's super important for me to connect with the mother earth often and re-energize. It helps me think and focus. And just the feeling of natural light and sounds, and that connection.

It’s also good for inspiration.

Chris - Football
Football has always been a living presence in my family. Of course, my love for football (or soccer if you prefer) came from my dad who basically lives and breathes it.

Tass dislikes whenever I wear anything Manchester United related hahaha (she's from Bristol).

Tass - Surfing
I used to watch discovery channel with my older brother (who naturally owned the remote). I was fascinated by the surfing documentaries. The exotic and isolated places the surfers would travel to find the perfect waves, the different cultures they would insert themselves into and how happy and blissful they looked when they were in the ocean. I used to beg my mum to take me surfing when I was little, she would just laugh at me (we lived in Bristol; a massive port with no waves or nice beaches). So when I was old enough to drive I would trek 3 hours to Cornwall to try and learn. It didn't go so well with my studies so I popped a postcard of Australia on my desk and made it my goal to come here as soon as I graduated. I'm obsessed with the ocean, it just makes everything feel better. The feeling I get when I'm on a wave, it's so euphoric, just being at the mercy of nature and having to learn to let go and not force anything.

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