ZEKIEL Gets Up Close and Personal on "9 Days Straight"

ZEKIEL Gets Up Close and Personal on "9 Days Straight"

This week, Sydney-based hip-hop artist Zekiel released a brand new single for us entitled “9 Days Straight”! The track digs deep into his personal side, exploring a cycle of “self-reflection, addiction and disregard for my own well-being” over a soft guitar riff and a trap-inspired snare drum loop. 

The title — and hook — refers to being awake for nine days, something that is often related to either stress or drug addiction. The name-dropping hook disguises the sombreness of the verses, as Zekiel raps about playing music greats Kendrick Lamar and Jimi Hendrix throughout the course of his nine days of insomnia. Such familiarity allows for the hook to be catchy enough to distract from Zekiel’s storytelling; in doing so, the listener can’t fully grasp the melancholia until they’ve had a few listens. Quite clever, if you ask us. As the artist himself says:

“The chorus is what I want everyone to hear...the glamorous name dropping, the positive language & the overall vibe that symbolises the good times...but the verses address my insecurities, my regrets and my shortcomings. And I'm okay with that. The exhilaration of playing in front of thousands and the overwhelming realisation of laying alone in bed when it's all over, couldn’t be further from each other. 9DS is a track about duality... and the experience of dealing with the highs and lows that no one else sees.”

Growing up in the Queensland town of Mackay, 23-year-old ZEKIEL is one of six children. Moving to Brisbane at 18, ZEKIEL flexed his newfound passion for writing and performing, while working hard independently promoting his music, before the hustle saw him move to Sydney in 2019.

Quickly building a network of talented next-generation artists around him, ZEKIEL puts a particular emphasis on collaboration and championing the success of those around him. It’s something he believes that makes this new generation of musicians unique. Instead of viewing each other as competition in this cut-throat industry, they work collaboratively on each other’s projects.

Since moving to Sydney he’s worked with the likes of Thelma Plum, Cosmo’s Midnight and Jack Gray - as well as working as a topliner and guest writer. 

Wise beyond his years, ZEKIEL says of his craft: “It’s hip-hop. It’s pop. It’s songwriting. It’s ZEKIEL. I love melodies, I love a good beat, but personally, I try to focus on storytelling more than anything. If I can connect to a concept or an idea, I can really hone in and bring it to life. If the lyrics stir a feeling or connect with somebody, then my job is done. Sometimes that feeling could be melancholy, other times it could be joy, that’s the beauty of songwriting and music. You are in control of what people hear and feel. I love that.”

Following 2019’s “Skipping School,” “9 Days Straight” is just a taste of what we can expect from Zekiel in 2020. We are keen to hear more from the Mackay-raised rising star this year!

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