Kayex Give Us The Insider Scoop On Their Explosive EP

Kayex Give Us The Insider Scoop On Their Explosive EP


Kayex have released the perfect soundtrack to your summer shenanigans, “Tempus in LA”. Covering all grounds, the EP features an intoxicating blend of everyone’s favourite summer sounds, with elements of funk, pop, electro, and disco. Kayex’s EP is volumes of fun, and takes me to my mate’s backyard, having a groove poolside, drink in hand, and sun blazing down.

The EP brings such a light energy, driven by its catchy beats and retro-inspired sonics. Heavily inspired by the duo’s trip to LA, hence the name, Kayex have brought back the City’s flavour, and explodes in visions of colour and fire.

Listen to “Tempus In LA” Here

Amidst all of the excitement surrounding the release of “Tempus In LA”, we caught up with KAYEX’s members Palassi Kailis and Tom Derickx to chat about the EP’s conception and their time in LA.

For me, Tempus In LA brings me to a poolside on a sunny day with a drink in hand. Obviously for you guys, the EP has massive ties to LA. But when listening back, what moment comes to mind for you?

Listening back to the EP now we feel a sense of nostalgia. we had such a good time writing this and we really shut ourselves off from anything that would interfere with our creative process. which in tern meant we let our hair down and had the funnest few weeks of our lives! in saying that when we listen back to entire body of work, theres a massive feeling of pride and excitement in the evolving sounds and direction. we think this EP will be our blueprint and a platform we will build off in 2020.

You guys have been longtime mates, since school. Does this ever cause tension within the creative process, or is it one of those situations where - since you’ve grown up together, you’re always on the same wavelength?

We have a unique relationship where we are mates first and foremost but theres always going to be disagreements when you're creating something that represents you both. the best thing about our relationship is the honesty. Theres no tension if theres honesty. we both come from different music backgrounds so we try to combine them. you could maybe say that our relationship and opposing music tastes is a direct reflection of the music we put out!

one thing we have learnt over the last 4 years is to be mindful of vulnerability when writing. it can be a very personal thing so theres never a ‘wrong’ idea. 

You guys work with some interesting sonics and sounds, what are you excited to experiment with next?

We just moved in together and built a studio underneath our house. its a pretty dodgy studio but its breathed some much needed life into Toms garage rock days. it could get ugly or it could sound pretty epic. Who cares. 

If you guys could collaborate with any artist, who would you love to feature on a KAYEX track?

we have been focusing on the song writing aspect lately. Lyrically, we want to share something real and relatable. We want people to feel good when listening but we also want to tell a story and maybe connect with the listener through our experiences. We Referenced the killers a lot when writing this EP so having Brandon Flowers on the tools with kayex would be pretty crazy. And then theres lady Gaga. if you're reading this, lets make a song or just hang out.

For those who are just being exposed to your music, which track would you put forth as an introduction to your music?

We introduced ourselves to the world with My friends but we are constantly evolving and making sounds that we like or reflect our current situation/mood. ‘I'm not in love’ shows our vulnerable side. its very raw and very real. we would send out both tracks! 

Do you guys have any new music in the works that we can look forward to?

2020 is going to be a big year for us in terms of releases. its looking like we will release our debut album. we have a few untold stories and wild beats that we think might excite a few people. 

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